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Art, Desire and Vision Loss: An interview with Erica Tandori

Erica Tandori is a legally-blind artist, academic and public speaker who was diagnosed with a form of macular dystrop... more

The Real Deal | Understanding The Letter of Provenance and the Certificate of Authenticity

When buying anything, the product should match the label - and this is no different in the world of art. As objects... more

Poetry in Motion - Charles Blackman 'Dancers' from the Private Collection of Barry Moreland

Poetry in Motion - Charles Blackman 'Dancers' from the Private Collection of Barry Moreland

Collaboration is at the heart of great art. Across his career, renowned choreographer Barry Moreland nurtured this id... more

Artist Philippe Le Miere discusses how the omnipresence of popular culture and the 'distruptive' potential of creativity in the 21st century have formed the basis for his new body of works, BLOCK-BUSTER!

Artist Philippe Le Miere discusses how the omnipresence of popular culture and the 'distruptive' potential of creativity in the 21st century have formed the basis for his new body of works, BLOCK-BUSTER!

Philippe - you've had a number of exhibitions that use symbols of popular culture as a launching pad for new ideas. I... more

BLOCK BUSTER - Philippe Le Miere’s house of mirrors

BLOCK BUSTER - Philippe Le Miere’s house of mirrors

You will never see these characters the same way again after you have viewed BLOCK - BUSTER, Philippe Le Miere’s hous... more

Paris Dreaming - Charles Blackman’s Parisian Drawings

 This week saw a new art auction record set for a work of art by Charles Blackman. The painting, 'Mad Hatter’s Tea Pa... more