Specialising in 20th and 21st century Australian art, our written Valuations are certified, independent and competitively priced. Grounded in comprehensive data and art historical analysis, we attune every Valuation to your needs, whether they are insurance, estate, tax, family division or liquidation.
To find out how we can help click below or send us an email at consult@artandcollectors.com.

About Angela
Our Valuations are led by Director Angela Tandori, an art market specialist with over twenty-five years’ experience.
She is an Auctioneers and Valuers Association of Australia Certified Practicing Valuer and Art Consulting Association of Australia Registered Valuer #011, Executive Member of over seven years and former President of four years.

Establishing the function and purpose of your Valuation is key to the valuing process. Depending on your needs, we can provide Valuations for:
Used for insurance purposes, this kind of Valuation establishes the full cost of replacing a work of art in the current marketplace should it be damaged or lost.
Used for deceased estates, this kind of Valuation calculates what a work of art would be expected to realistically earn in the secondary art market.
For superannuation and tax purposes, this kind of Valuation assesses what a work of art would realistically achieve in the secondary art market.
Family Planning
This kind of Valuation establishes a work of art’s fair market value for the purposes of estate planning.
Valuations for the resale of a work of art can be adjusted depending on the circumstances at hand.
Used for divorce and partnership dissolution, this kind of Valuation assesses what a work of art would realistically achieve in the secondary art market without time constraints.
Our rates are $220 per a work of art or negotiable for larger projects. If necessary, travel to and from your location is charged at $110 per hour.
We will begin valuing your work only once payment is received and will be in contact if further information is required. If you have time constraints that you need us to meet, please let us know in advance so that we can accommodate you.
Please note, all prices are GST inclusive.