Previous Newsletters

TO ALL ART LOVERS: Tell us Your Stories!

The team at Angela Tandori Fine Art wants to hear from you. The question on our mind… why do you collect art?We belie... more

Charles Blackman's Schoolgirls: An Australian Collector Favourite

Charles Blackman’s Schoolgirls series - the iconic image of a schoolgirl, often lost in fantasy - has become one of A... more

We’re ready to help in anyway we can | Our Services

Dear Collectors,We all know the world of collecting fine art is about more than finding works of art. Re-selling, ap... more

There's Beauty in Collecting Fine Art.

Dear Collectors, 13th century Persian poet Rumi once said “let the beauty of what you do, be what you love”.  For ma... more

In need of some inspiration? | Let us Spice up your News Feed

Dear Collectors, Feeling rundown? Uninspired? Or stuck in an online rut? Enliven your newsfeed with Angela Tandori Fi... more

Building Your Art Collection: For Beginners

So you want to collect art - but where to start?     Starting an art collection can seem intimidating.  It might feel... more