Tommy Watson
B. 1935
Tommy Watson is a Pitjantjatjara elder of the Western Central Desert and a leading contemporary First Nations artist. Watson’s work reflects a deep and transcendent connection to country. Favouring a diverse and explosive colour pallette, Watson depicts dreaming stories of his country known as the ‘tjukurrpa.’ A career that started late in the Western Desert movement, Watson is known to be a active constituent within the 'Colour Power' Aboriginal movement that developed between 1984-2004.
Considered a foundational figure within this movement, Tommy Watson's work was re-interpreted into the administration building of the new Musee du Quai Branly Museum in Paris. While the meanings behind the stories informing Watson's art are kept private, these works nonetheless captivate us, allowing viewers to engage with the Australian landscape in an inherently intuitive and subjective manner. Tommy Watson is represented in both state and national Australian galleries.
To read more about Tommy Watson's biography, click here.