The team at Angela Tandori Fine Art wants to hear from you. The question on our mind… why do you collect art?
We believe a work of art never ends at the easel. Instead, it is enriched and changed by those that own and admire it. The bonds we forge between life, art and ourselves inevitably form part of the work itself. As contemporary art collector Paige West once said, “your art collection is your work of art”. And we want to know more.
So, this is an open invitation to all art lovers and collectors… tell us your stories! Why collect contemporary? Or gift your wife a Charles Blackman? What was the first work of art you owned? Or even, parted from? Send us all and any stories from your art world - we’d love to read and perhaps, share them with other collectors.
If you’d like to take part in this project, do not hesitate to call, email or connect with us on social media.
Looking forward to hearing from you with enthusiasm and curiosity,
Happy Collecting!