Judy Cassab
B. 1920 - 2015
A two-time winner of the Archibald Prize, Judy Cassab AO CBE was a portraitist of immense insight and imagination, seemingly able to capture not only a sitter’s likeness but the spirit of their times. As well as painting social luminaries, royals, fellow artists, family and friends, she was also a prolific draughtswoman, printmaker, and an acclaimed landscape artist. Today, Cassab’s portraits reside in the British Royal Collection, National Portrait Gallery, National Gallery of Australia, and many other prominent and prestigious public, corporate, and notable private collections.
Important publications on the artist include an in-depth biography ‘Judy Cassab: A Portrait’, by Brenda Niall (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 2005) (available on kindle) and ‘Judy Cassab: Diaries’ published by the artist in 1995 (Penguin / Random House).
A great online resource on the artist, which includes a discussion on the influence of modernism and abstraction in her portraits, can be found here.